Bahh!! Im back!! =D Hahaha!!
I Had a Great, Wonderful, Memorable time at Malaysia!! =D
For me is the best holiday i've been to! =D
So, we reached Their house on Thursday, before midnight. Abang Man fetched us. Lets start with first day. =)
First day, Thursday, 101209 =)
On the first day after we reached Klang Central, I felt soo,, I dunno.. Happy ?? Proud ??
All lahh. Coz it's been 4-5 years since i step my legs there. Haha. So 8 minutes after reaching Klang Central, Abang Man came. Talked talked, then we went to My aunty house. We felt so welcomed. In the car Abang Man already said "Korang nak pegi mane mane call aku jer, nanti aku hantar." =) So nice of him. We were like 'WOW' Senang ahh macam ni. So yeah we reached their house before midnight. We reached, Kak Sally was sweeping the Living Room, so she greeted us. Then the rest came. Everybody was there. Accept Abang Ajul, Ijam and thats all i think. I was so happy to see them. And i was quite shock too. Their house have became bigger. Like WOW lahh kann. Kaw nak tido mane mane pon boleh. Atas bumbung pon boleh. Ahaha. Bengkel pon dah besar giler! =D WOW!! So we put down our bags, and chit chat with them. Then that night, Pui, Aul and Nazri went To CC to play Computer. Tini and i Had to stay. So we were with Arsyad and My twin, Nana. =) I forgot what time was it. Maybe 3-4AM plus. After they came back, we slept.
Second Day, Friday, 111209 =)
The next day, we woke up at 8AM ? I think ahh. We bathe and the went out. Toilet diorang besar giler babi punyee!! Muat 10 orang mandi. 20 pon boleh, tapi orang kecik. So, Kiter Pui, Tini, Aul, Arsyad and me, pegi PASAR JUMAAT!!! Fun!! But Freakingly Fuckingly Hot!! Haha. Can Dehydrate and pengsan seyh. So we walked to pasar jumaat. It's like a 10-15 minutes walk lahh. Okayy lahh. Except its Freaking hott. Biler dah sampai ajer, 'WOW RAMAI NYEE ORANG!!' Ahah. Ramai giler, sempit, panas seme lahh. Tapi memang gerek. All the things are really cheap. BERBALOI daripada beli di Singapore. So first thing we did, Pui and Aul carik Baju. Survey survey. Then beli. Then beli jam. The first thing i bought was Souveniers for my Friends and family at Singapore. Jalan jalan, sekali terserempak dengan Kak Niza and Abang Man and Icha!! Cute giler Icha tuhh! =D So we jalan jalan. Then went home. Arsyad and i tumpang Kak Niza and Abang Man home. So very tiring ohh. So dah sampai rumah around 12.30PM, we rested until 1.30PM like that then went out again. To Klang Lama. Abang Man sent us there. I bought Souvenier, one more, so i have altogether 6 of them. For my friends and me. So jalan jalan until before mahgrib we went home. Beli kann Aniq baju seme. So at aroung 6+ we called Abang Man to fetched us, but he cant. He said 20 minutes later then can fetch. So we just balek, takkan nak tunggu. Tapi tak elok taww jalan Mahgrib mahgrib. So we Cepat cepat jalan. Then reached around 7.15PM. We eat all and slept Quite early. Because Kak Niza said we had to sleep early to go Sungai!!!!!!!!!!1 =D I was soo Happy. Happy like never before!!
Third day, Saturday, 1211209 =)
So that day actually we planned to go KL but then dah diajak pergi Sungai, Go jer ahh!!! So we woke up at 7AM. Bathe and while they prepare food for Picnic, My borthers and i watched 2012. Quite fun ahh the movie. So around 8.30AM we make our way to Sungai!!! So, Pui, Tini and me, tumpang Abang Man's car with Kak Niza and Icha!! Aul, Nana, Nazri and Kak Eda tumpang kereta Amy Kecik.(His a guy) So, Arsyad, Kak Amy, His son, Adam, and Kak Sally naik kereta Ijam. Laju giler kereta Ijam! Speed Racer. So the journey was 2 hours i think. Kiter sempat hilang kann penat. When reached already i became soo soo jakon. Maklumlah, tak pernah nampak Sungai. So Nazri, Kak Niza and Kak Eda already warned us that the Water Is Freaking Cold. So we just said okay, and dint mind at first. So we settled down, ate then changed. Nana, Kak Niza, Abang Man, Adam, Kak Eda and Icha went in already. Then Aul, Pui, Nazri and me went in. My First touch of the water and i shouted "Arghh!!! Sejuk Nyee!! Giler Seyh!!!" Then the rest in the sungai laughed. Then Aul, and Pui also said "Oii! Giler seyh! Sejuk giler Airnya!!" So kiter berani kann diri, dan masuk!!! Arghh!! Sumpah!!! Sejuk giler!!! If you put a can of water which is not Froze yet, It can be Frezzed. Trust me!! So Aul and me were like Shivering like never before, about 10 minutes. They all kept laughing at us. At last kiter dapat tahan jugak. Amin.. So first round kiter berendam 3 jam. Best giler!!! Arusnya kuat Giler!! MemBahaya!!! After first round we went up, drank and ate, then went down again. Until 4PM, then we bathe and changed. We took some pictures. Gerek lahh. So we went home. Otw home, we slept. Pui, Tini, Icha and me. Tibe tibe kiter sampai di sebuah perhentian. Rupa rupanya Nana tuhh lapar, dia nak makan. So seme turun except Kak Niza, Icha and Abang Man. Makan makan. Then went home. I changed car, i went with Aul they all. I changed with Nana, So ahe went with Tini they all. Amy Kecik Bawak Kereta laju giler! 120 the fastest. Sama dengan Abang Man. They all bawak kereta 120-160km/hour oii. So, Ijam and Amy Kecik were like racing. Gerek giler. Haha. But Amy kecik rached home first because Ijam had to send Kak Amy home first. Reached home, Bathe, Rest ate and went out at 9.30PM to Shah Alam there, UPTOWN. Singappore ada DOWNTOWN, Malaysia UPTOWN. Haha. Cool. Ada macam macam tempat tuhh. Sheesha seme ade. Sheesha kat sane tak ada age limit!! ~Woo!~ So we jalan jalan, ate and jalan again. Went home at 1AM. Guess what ?? Kiter dapat beli 3 Slipper ADIDAS and 1 Slipper NIKE at 95 RM. Murah giler Beb!! So after that went home. We took our begs and slept over at Rumah Kak Sally. The main 5 of us. Lawa Giler rumahnya!! Walaupun kecil. Comfortable. Tak panas sangat, tak sejuk sangat. Okay ajer. Kalau rumah diorang, Malam sejuk giler nak Mampos!!! Pagi Panas giler nak Mampos!!!
Forth Day, Sunday, 131109 =(
The day we had to go home. So from Rumah Kak Sally we woke up at 12.30PM. Best sikit, dapat rest lebih. We ate, watched tv until 5PM, then we went out. Ijam sent Aul, Pui, Tini and me to 99. Its a supermarket. Then we surveyed things. From 99 went to PKS then back to 99. Bersenam betul tuhh. Haha. Before Mahgrib we went home, Went to Their house. We lepak lepak ate Ice Cream lahh Ayam Goreng lahh. Then at 9.30PM we set off to KLANG CENTRAL. =( So yang hantar kiter, Abang Man, Kak Niza, Icha, Adam, Kak Sally, Ijam, Nana, Abang Ajul and Arsyad. =( Yang lain tak muat. Tak cukup kereta. Adik beradik diorang 9, plus parents ? 11. So tak muat. So dah sampai salam salam. Sad sad and we board our bus. Actually 10PM go already. But the driver go late. Icha nangis kann tengok kita pergi. =( Sedih seyh. Shes only like 2 and die tawu sedih. Im soo touhed. =( So our bus set off at 10.30PM. Bye bye bye. =( In bus i slept and woke up at 00.30 then until 01.15 the buss stopped. 01.40 bus moved on. Slept until 03.00. Then reached Woodlands Checkpoint. At 04.00 kot sampai Queensway. Took Taxi home. Reached home, unpack, tried PS2 games until 6.30AM, the i slept. Aul 6AM went out already. -___-
So thats the end. Hmm. So fun and Memorable lahh kann. Nie pun bukan full story taww. ;) Malas nak detail detail. Haha. So, maybe next June holidays we going there again. HurHur!! =) I never expect them to give their fullest to us, but they did. Thanks Kakak kakak and Abang abang. Appreciate it lots. ;) Thats all!
Wow, walaupun dah duduk kampung selame 4 hari, my english still good. =P